If you feel like you have tried everything and nothing has worked yet, you are in the right place!


We are here to show you what’s possible.


Does this sound like

"I've spent so much time and money trying to fix my pain, nothing has lasted more than a day."

"I've dealt with this pain for so long I forgot what it feels like to not have pain"

"I don’t want to give up being active. I’m willing to do the work, I’m just unsure of what I need.”


Do you want more than basic chiropractic care?


Are you committed to finding a long-term solution?  


Is being active important to you?



NAV Rehab Chiropractic was built to help people just like you.


For performance and longevity

You pick the destination. It is our job to show you the way quickly and safely.

Here’s how it works.


We’ve got the answers.

  • If you get the feeling there is so much more to treatments than 5 minutes with the doctor who gives you a "crack" and then pawns you off to an assistant for heat and stim...you are absolutely right!

    Here at NAV our goal is to get you outcomes. We take the time to hear your story, provide a detailed assessment, present a custom care plan, and have an honest conversation about your goals in working together.

    You are not just your "hurt back". Everyone experiencing pain is unique and deserves to be treated that way.

    Your journey at NAV will provide clear answers, amazing results, and a world-class experience.

  • Not at all! In fact, we only adjust about 25% of the patients that come to the office. The adjustment is one of many “tools” in our “toolbox” at NAV, and there are plenty of alternatives that will provide the results you need.

  • Clients consistently give us great feedback on two things that set us apart from every other clinic they have experienced.

    —The amount of quality time working with the provider. Your entire 60 minute session is spent 1-1 with the doctor. No waiting rooms, being passed off to an assistant or having the doctor juggle 4 patients at the same time.

    —The high quality attention to detail provided. You are not just your hurt back. Pain is insanely complex, you are a person with unique habits, patterns, questions, concerns and deserve a provider who will address all of these areas to give you the best chance of success.

  • If you have been doing your exercises and have not progressed or seen results that last, the problem could be that the exercises are 'cookie cutter'. In other words, every person that walks in with back pain should not get the same set of exercises, no matter what. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. You may have exercises to do, but they may not be the right exercises for YOU.

  • The most current research recommends exercise as one of the best options for a variety of diagnoses regarding muscles, joints, discs and nerve conditions when compared to modalities, drugs, injections and even surgery in some cases. While there is a time and place for all of these interventions, most people can benefit from a ‘conservative approach’ of both hands on treatment as well as exercise.

  • 1) Active adults 30-64 who have been injured while exercising and who want to get back to exercise, pain free.

    2) Adults 30-64 who would like to be active but feel pain every time they try to exercise and have been waiting for it to just go away for too long.

    3) Weekend Warriors who love to play sports but work long stressful hours and don't always have the time to get the proper medical care they need.

    4) Serious youth and college athletes who have been injured playing their sport.

    5) People who prioritize their long-term health and can't imagine taking a 'pill' for every ache and pain.

  • Our only priority is to help you make the most clear and informed decision possible for your health. Ultimately it's your health, your decision. You will always be in the driver’s seat as to what happens next!

  • Absolutely. Call 908-489-6579 or email us directly at navrehabchiropractic@gmail.com

  • Time can be your best friend or worst enemy. The biggest difference maker is knowing how to care for an injury to give you the best chance of resolution. If you do not know what to do yourself or feel like what you are doing isn’t working, we are happy to talk through any concerns you may have!

  • Sometimes aches and pains happen that may not seem like a big deal. The question we want to answer is why it happened. If it was a fluke or situations like this happen consistently with certain activities or movements, they could be a clue at something deeper that we can solve!

  • Our 1:1 sessions are 60 minutes with the doctor. No waiting room. No overlap with other clients.

  • Nope. Just give us a call and we can get you right on the schedule.


  • This is specific to your needs and goals. On average clients are seen 1-2x per week to start and as we progress tend to become less frequent. Once we finish our plan of care and you are satisfied with your results, you are free to go, no fear tactics or unnecessary treatments here.

  • We are happy to! Many patients find that when we take the steps to be on the same page with their trainer we can avoid confusion and accelerate results in our rehab and gains in the gym at the same time!

  • Helping you manage your pain is important, and it is only step 1! Once you are feeling good then we can get into the fun stuff. We will clearly map out your timeline with what to expect during your free Discovery session.

  • We do not run late. Time is one of our most valuable resources and we respect yours. Obviously, circumstances do happen but this is the exception and NOT the rule. You deserve to be seen on time.

  • No. In fact, that is the opposite of what we do. We take the time to listen, observe, explain and teach so that you can learn and understand what is going on with your body. A typical session includes hands-on treatment, rehab exercises, technique coaching, skill development and collaborative communication.

  • Yes! The most current research recommends an active approach to manage the symptoms that come from arthritis. Many people with arthritis can get to a point where they have no pain at all!

  • AMP’D is a great community and fun environment. The coaches are understanding if you need to modify an activity and they are there to assist you. If you still find yourself struggling, we will work through the process and address the pain points until we find an alternative that works for you.

  • The short answer is no. We will always find ways to make sure you are able to do activities that are safe, effective, and scalable without interfering with the rehab process.

  • It comes down to what you value. Clients who choose to invest in our process value their long-term health and learning how to self manage their pain to become more independent and adaptable to real world situations.

    Think about it this way…a person who values fancy shoes will say they are worth the money; but someone who doesn’t will say they are too expensive.

    Our goal is to help you make the best decision for your health. If we determine that it isn’t us we will tell you, and refer you to a provider that is a better fit for what you need. We determine where you are at, where you want to go, and provide a clear path on how you will get there. For our clients who have found amazing success, they tell us they would have paid anything for what they learned while in our clinic because it gave them their life back and the confidence to go live it.

  • Like most professions, Chiropractors come in all shapes and sizes. It is our experience that if another doctor told you to avoid an entire profession they likely had a negative experience with one or multiple chiropractors.

    Think about it this way, when you get a terrible meal at a restaurant, do you quit going out to eat all together?

  • When we are talking about surgery, we are speaking about muscles, joints, discs and nerves. Many surgeries can be avoided or delayed with high-quality treatment. From our perspective, surgery is a last case scenario. Going all in on a conservative approach like chiropractic is a low risk high reward option.

  • Nope! This is a common misconception. We are very transparent about your care plan timeline with how long it will take and what to expect. After completing a plan of care some clients do choose to continue working with us. They enjoy the development process and value their long-term health by continuing to invest in themselves.

  • It is totally normal to feel muscle soreness similar to if you lifted weights for the first time in a while. This may seem like “pain” to some people which can cause confusion. This is where attention to detail and communication is very important. All of this will be explained during your sessions and you will know exactly what to expect.

  • The clients who typically get the best results are consistent with their home programs. This allows for more time spent learning the skills and allows you to get comfortable with safe movements so we can address any questions you have in the next session. We will always encourage you to do exercises at home although it is not a requirement for treatment. Many clients find that they get faster results when implementing home exercises.

  • We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent the injury advice and prognosis displayed throughout this Guide.

    However, examples of injuries and their prognosis are based on typical representations of those injuries that we commonly see in our clinic. The information given is not intended as representations of every individual's potential injury. As with any injury, each person's symptoms can vary widely and each person's recovery from injury can also vary depending upon background, genetics, previous medical history, application of exercises, posture, motivation to follow medical advice and various other physical factors. It is impossible to give a 100% complete accurate diagnosis and prognosis without a thorough physical examination and likewise the advice given for management of an injury cannot be deemed fully accurate in the absence of an examination. We are able to offer you this service at a standard charge. Significant injury risk is possible if you do not follow due diligence and seek suitable professional advice about your injury. No guarantees of specific results are expressly made or implied in this report.