Stretching won’t save you

If I said “Stretching is a waste of time.” would you disagree?

The problem is that “stretching” can mean different things to different people.

It’s used as a blanket statement that over-promises and underdelivers on results.

Let me paint a quick picture of what I mean.

Me (talking to a back pain client): what have you tried to help solve this back pain problem?

Client: I stretch every day.

Me: Great, how’s that working for you?

Client: It feels good for a little, but I still have the pain every day.

Me: What kind of stretching? how long? When? WHY?

Client: uhhh you know like this (demonstrates something like the picture above)

I have this conversation with clients often, and here is the big issue…(spoiler, it’s not the actual stretching that is the problem)

It’s the WHY behind the stretching, The more people I talk to, the more I realize they have no clue what the goal of stretching is.

The most current research suggests static stretching improves the ability to tolerate a stretch.

That’s it…so if that’s not your goal, then you may want to consider a different tool.

So why does everybody think it’s doing all these other magical things?

It’s because they never got the full story or don’t know any better.

But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be you.

If stretching hasn’t helped, you can now seek different solutions that can get results.

If you are curious about what else exists, click the link below to set up a call.

Talk Soon,

Dr. Bruno

P.S. Ask about our free stretch-less warm-up guide!


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