“What if I’m not doing it right?”

This is a question we get all the time, and the answer is much more straightforward than you’d think.

The NAV method is unique because we give our clients custom exercises every session to eliminate their long-term pain.

The clients who have “tried everything” and haven’t found relief, do incredibly well with our unique approach because of the focused clinicians who have such attention to detail that they can customize the entire experience to fit their problems and design a solution simply, effectively, and enjoyable.

Something our clients used to struggle with is being concerned if they are doing the exercise “right”.

At first, we thought it was because our method was so specific, that clients got overwhelmed with the level of detail and focus they needed to perform exercises.

To solve this, we emphasize simplicity, designing exercises to be nearly impossible to mess up when they are home. Despite this, we still kept hearing the same thing…problem not solved, yet!

Then we stacked simplicity with the effectiveness of the exercises. This is why we use small changes to create a huge impact.

Every client was taught what they should be seeing, and feeling, and ways to test the effectiveness of the exercise, which they loved.

Guess what, we still kept getting this fear and confusion of not doing it right, where was it coming from?

The last pillar we emphasize in our method is enjoyable. We make sure that clients have the option to use different exercises depending on the situation or environment so they have the freedom of choice.

Imagine if your exercises were all done lying down but you needed the most help when you were at work or on a walk. kinda hard to lay down in that scenario!

If the exercises are so simple they can’t be messed up, they are easy to fit into their busy life, AND they know what to see and feel that makes them effective. That surely will solve the confusion of “Am I doing this right?”…WRONG.

We put so much effort into this issue to ensure our clients were getting the most value they could from each session. Just when we thought this was something we had to manage, everything clicked and we unlocked the secret. Do you want to know what it was?

CLARITY. let me explain.

Have you ever been told to do something as a kid, but didn’t know why? maybe you asked for clarity and got a “because I said so”.

What we realized is that our clients who have tried PT or chiro in the past were never given clarity on why they needed to be doing a certain exercise, nobody helped connect the dots.

They had the previous experience of not knowing how or what the purpose of each treatment was, which created confusion and frustration until they eventually gave up.

Thankfully when these clients found us, we broke that bad cycle and emphasized clarity. It goes a little something like this.

“Hey, John your back pain is because of your limited hip rotation. When you have limited hip mobility, your body steals the movement from the spine when you swing a golf club. That is why your back hurts when you golf, because your back has to pick up the slack of your hips. This exercise we are doing is to gain rotation back into your hip. Once we accomplish that it will take the stress off your back so you will be able to have a more fluid swing, no back pain, and more power to hit the ball even further”.

Conversations like these are crucial in the rehab process to get effective outcomes. They are also why clients tell us they learn so much and have the tools to handle whatever life throws their way.

We are incredibly grateful to work with clients who are committed to learning what it takes, putting in the work, and achieving success!

If you are this person, we can help you too. Click the link below.


I have perfected my copycat chipotle chicken recipe.


A welcome letter to you; our rockstar client